Age of Hammer Wars for PSP

ISQUARED GAMES LIMITED | Release Date: 24-Nov-2010  
Content Rating:
Genres: Action, Arcade
Playable On: PS3 PSP PS Vita
Developer: Dynamic Systems


Age of Hammer Wars unlike any other game features battles of flying machines equipped with various slashing, piercing and blunt weaponry. A unique combat system is based on realistic physics simulation, and it ties the movements of the rider to the movements of analog stick. As you wave it, your rider swings his sledgehammer, smashing the foe into the wall! This creates an unmatched feel of the real strike, a feel of the mass of the weapon in your hands. The aesthetic conjures stark imagery of an industrious, romanticized era, while variable and long campaign will guarantee hours of entertainment.

Copyright iSquared Games Ltd./SME Dynamic Systems

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