Arcade Archives MOON CRESTA for PS4

HAMSTER CORPORATION | Release Date: 29-Sep-2015  
Content Rating:
Genres: Shooter, Arcade
Playable On: PS4
Developer: Hamster


'Moon Cresta' is a shooting game produced by Nichibutsu in 1980.
Players control Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3 of the airplane, and coalescing these airplanes will defeat the enemies.

'Arcade Archives series' has faithfully reproduce the masterpiece of arcade games for the PS4™ system. Also support PS4™ system features.

Players can share play screens and video with the SHARE feature, and players can also compete with other players for score online ranking.
Please enjoy the masterpiece that built a generation for video games.

Additional hardware required for Remote Play.

Additional hardware required for Interconnectivity.

1-2 players
Remote Play
Interconnectivity PS4™ • PS Vita
1080i HD Video Output


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