Push Me Pull You for PS4

HOUSE HOUSE GAMES PTY LTD | Release Date: 03-May-2016  
Content Rating:
Genres: Party, Sports
Playable On: PS4
Developer: House House


Push Me Pull You is an award-winning local multiplayer game about friendship and wrestling. Joined at the waist, you and your partner share a long, wriggling body as you wrestle your opponents for control of the ball. Since you're sharing the same body, you'll need to carefully communicate (or just shout a lot). With every action affecting both you and your partner, PMPY combines the best parts of co-op multiplayer with the worst parts of your last breakup.

• Frantic local multiplayer gameplay in the vein of Sportsfriends or Towerfall.
• Compete in multiple game types that will test your friendship in different ways, or play around in a sandbox area filled with toys and secrets.
• Low on controllers? Share a controller with a friend or try controlling two heads simultaneously - a two-player game can be played with just one controller!
• Accessible yet deep - play it as a noisy party game or hold a fiercely competitive grudge match.

Additional hardware required for Remote Play.

2-4 players
300MB minimum save size
Remote Play
1080p HD Video Output


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