Inspired by the acclaimed Marvel Civil War storyline, this action-RPG delivers once again on a colossal cast of characters, thrilling gameplay and impassioned alliances. This next-gen gaming experience leaves the fate of the Marvel Universe—and humankind—in your hands. Lines are drawn. Sides are chosen. And the ultimate question remains: Whose side are you on?
• Create and customize your Marvel dream team from the 26 playable heroes and villains, including Wii EXCLUSIVES Cyclops, Psylocke and Blade.
• Use your Wii Remote to unleash over 250 astonishing new fusion powers.
• Team up in Multiplayer Mode with up to 4 players.
As of May 20, 2014, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service for Nintendo DSi and Wii systems has been retired. Online features of this game are no longer available after this date but this game still provides an entertaining experience in offline mode.
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