Content Rating:
Publisher: RingZero Games
Developer: RingZero Games
Mon Premier Karaoké for Wii U is a karaoke game featuring some of the most popular children’s songs of all time. The entire family can enjoy quality time as children learn and advance their communications skills. Watch delighted youngsters sing and dance along to Hickory Dickory Dock or practice their A, B, C’s in the alphabet song.
Key features:
- 20 of the most popular English children’s songs.
- Colorful animations in HD.
- Solo mode: sing using the GamePad built-in microphone.
- Duet mode: sing with friends and family (a Wii U Microphone is required for this mode).
- Off-TV play: the game can be played on the GamePad entirely.
- Performance photos: photos can be taken during the performance by the GamePad.
- 1, 2, 3, nous irons au bois
- L'alphabet
- Ah ! Les crocodiles
- Am stram gram
- Elle descend de la montagne
- Fee-fye le crapaud
- Frère Jacques
- J'aime la galette
- L'araignée Gypsy
- La joie au coeur
- Le fermier dans son pré
- Le vieux fermier Mac Donald
- Lundi matin L’empereur, sa femme et le petit prince
- Meunier, tu dors
- Pomme de reinette
- Prom'nons-nous dans les bois
- Savez-vous planter les choux?
- Sur le pont d'Avignon
- Tête épaules et genoux pieds
- Une souris verte